Our landed cost calculator makes selling globally just like domestic!
Edge's Combined Trading Platform (CTP) is a business support tool that is designed for businesses that trade nationally or internationally in physical goods. EdgeCTP provides a fully integrated CRM; Stock Control; Invoicing; Shipping Documents; Sales and Purchase Workflows; Connections (to various systems) and a Total Landed Cost Calculator, all in a single cloud application.
Why EdgeTariff?
EdgeTariff, a part of EdgeCTP, provides eCommerce businesses with a landed cost calculator, which enables overseas buyers to know the cost of the goods, shipping and duties & taxes BEFORE they make an informed purchasing decision. The benefits of installing EdgeTariff in your BigCommerce store is that international orders are processed on a DDP (Delivery & Duty Paid) basis, which makes international trade as simple as domestic trading.
No Nonsense Services – Keeping It Sweet & Simple (KISS)
With EdgeTariff, rather than find ways to interject ourselves into the way you run your business (and charge more), we've kept things minimal and simple, so you're free to run your overseas business the way you want. However, you still get key international trade services that are designed to FIRST add value and then charge little. Our top five services include:
Product Pre-Classification (PPC), categories your product(s) into Harmonized System codes (HS6 and above), so that international customs authorities can recognise your product(s) to apply the correct duties & taxes. Rather than give you "guesstimates" using GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, we have human licensed customs brokers to provide class-leading classifications of your products at both universal HS 6-digit and country specific 10-digits or more levels. This results in you getting the most accurate duty & tax calculations, bar none!
Expected Duties & Taxes (EDT), shows to the overseas buyers, on the checkout, the cost of the goods; shipping costs and expected duties & taxes, i.e., the total landed cost, and in the buyer's currency too. The buyers can then make an informed choice when buying your goods because EDT removes any post-purchase price shocks, buyer's remorse, and encourages re-purchases = increased customer loyalty and more sales. You, as the store owner, simply collect the cost of the goods, shipping, duties and taxes from the buyer at the checkout. Your logistics carrier then ship the goods as DDP, paying for and performing all your customs on your behalf. Later, you just pay the carrier the cost of the shipping and duties & taxes (and any advancement fees). That's it – simple.
RestrictedParty Screening (RPS),allows you (as the seller) to screen your customer for any international tradecompliance issues BEFORE you send the goods. In an increasingly uncertain world, RPS gives you compliancepeace-of-mind that you're dealing with approved people.
Customized Bundled Products (CBP), allows you (the Ecommerce store owner)to create personalized product bundles, by grouping similar or differentproducts into a single bundle, with a competitive price than if purchasedindividually. Additionally, EdgeTariffgives your buyers to self-select bundled products as part of their buyingprocess, with the associated discounts. In both cases, EdgeTariff calculates the correct duties & taxes onthe check for the total landed cost to the buyer.
Multi-Destination Shipping (MDS), allows your buyer (on your Ecommerce store)to send goods to multiple destination address (globally) from onecheckout. Ideally for when the buyer isshipping gifts or hamper baskets (bundled products) during the holidayseason. For example, a local US buyercan purchase several products from your online store, and in one checkout,specify shipping of certain product(s) quantities to multiple overseasdestination country addresses. EdgeTariff will automatically show the total landed cost (including shipping,duties and taxes) to each of the destination countries and capture everythingon one payment from the buyer. This MDSconvenience means that buyers don't have to repeatedly check-out (one perdestination address) and therefore, are encouraged to conveniently buy more.
Product Shipping Methods (PSM), allows you, as the store owner, to pre-definehow products will be packaged (transport packaging) and by which shippingmethod and/or own shipping rate. Thismeans more accurate shipping charges are obtained and shown on the buyer'scheckout (before they purchase the goods), which in turn means more accurateduties and taxes calculations.
Shipping & Fulfilment Freedom, rather than get involved in the whole orderfulfilment and custom-made shipping label generation, EdgeTariff lets youprocess your buyer's orders in the way that suits you best, e.g., using yourfavorite fulfilment software; choosing the best/cost-effective shippingservice; adjusting shipping charges to cover carrier advancement fees etc. Keeping It Sweet and Simple (KISS)!
March 3, 2025
This app may not be fully compatible with multi-storefront. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.
March 3, 2025
This app may not be fully compatible with multi-storefront. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.
Product Pre-Classification (PPC)
Pre-Classify your product(s) with Harmonized Systems (HS) codes, which allows international customs authorities to recognise the duty and tax category your products fall into for applying the correct customs clearance duties & taxes. HS codes can be at the 6-digit universal level (HS6), i.e., applicable to over 200 countries globally, and Fully Qualified (FQ), which are HS6 and 4 (or more) additional digits tagged onto the HS6, for country specific imports, and therefore, more accurate calculations of duties & taxes. You only need to classify products once in their life-time (usually) and only the parent products, i.e., variants inherit the same product HS classification.
Estimated Duties & Taxes (EDT)
Shows to the online buyer, on the check-out, the expected duties & taxes, along with shipping and cost of goods, i.e., the buyer gets to see the total landed (received goods) cost of their purchase BEFORE they pay for it. This allows the buyer to make an informed buying decision, preventing buyers remorse (and potentical return of goods) if the duty & tax is a later surprise upon receiving the goods.
Restricted Party Screening (RPS)
Allow you, as the seller, to screen your customer to comply with international trading embargos or restrictions, and reduce the risk of fine/penalties if trading with individuals on a denied party list.
EdgeTariff Own Bundles
EdgeTariff Own Bundle is a feature that is built-in EdgeTariff, which allows the merchant to sell bundled products (i.e., goods that have a mixture of different products within them) to international buyers. To calculate the expected duties and taxes (EDT) on bundled products being sold internationally, the EdgeTariff Own Bundled functionality analyses the individual goods that make up the bundle and applies the appropriate duties and taxes, which is then shown as a total landed cost to the buyer on the check out. The buyer can then make an informed decision to purchase the goods, rather than be surprised (or f illed with buyer's remorse) on receiving the goods.
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