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Get what you really need to build — including streamlined workflows, improved documentation, and key platform updates.
Developer experience improvements
A fresh new look for the developer journey
Not only are we launching a new look and feel, we’ve created a new branding language to unify our developer ecosystem — and help you navigate developer resources with ease. View it on the Developer Center
Guides and references updates
We’re thoroughly editing documentation to address your feedback and ensure we’re actively auditing what’s shipped in the past. This includes apps, auth, checkout, and storefront GraphQL documentation. View our release notes
Developer community can now contribute to docs
Have specialised knowledge or experience with unique use cases? Contribute to documentation with our new set of foundational docs. You’ll also see our DX team more active on GitHub, reviewing PRs, and talking with developers on how we can improve. Learn how to contribute on GitHub
Refined search results
The top developer center search results have been optimised to get you to the right docs faster and dive deeper. Use our improved search
Enhanced visibility for Resource Hub authors
Our Resource Hub is populated with content from all corners of our ecosystem — we’ve introduced author profiles and improved how visitors discover community members who are publishing content. Learn more
Improved dev portal for app creation and management
Coming soon
App developers will experience a faster app creation process and a streamlined submission process inside a portal that implements our latest design standards.
Improvement: BigDesign Patterns
With the latest version of our BigDesign React library, speed up app development and ensure a native feel by using the same pre-designed patterns as our product teams. Learn more
Revamped API reference
We often receive feedback that API specs are not displaying consistently, so we’ve improved the Open API Spec renderer and the API spec files. Read more
Platform updates
Unified Billing
Simplify recurring app charges with Unified Billing. We’ll securely handle the checkout and management of recurring charges using the merchant's existing payment method on file. Register your interest
Catalyst CLI
A Catalyst storefront can now be instantly integrated with over 10 platforms. Since the CLI lives within the monorepo and is built on an open standard, it’s easy to add your own integrations, which are automatically showcased in our composable marketplace. View CLI commands
Open source B2B Buyer Portal
Unlock more advanced B2B functionality within Catalyst by using the OSS B2B Buyer Portal’s headless integration method. View on GitHub
AI-powered product recommendations
Quickly integrate real-time, personalised product recommendations into a storefront and display dynamic suggestions that update based on shopper actions. Get access
Design Catalyst storefronts with AI
Coming soon
We’ve partnered with Vercel to enrich with Catalyst-optimised components that work perfectly alongside Makeswift.
BigDesign Patterns for AI
Coming soon
With our upcoming BigDesign Patterns for AI, we’re standardising how AI apps interface with merchants inside their control panels.
Multi-channel Catalogue management + new Admin GraphQL API capabilities
New GraphQL mutations let you set product data globally or by channel and locale. A new query node allows getting both in one request. Update only what you need and query-specific details like product name and URL without extra data. View docs
More versatile Catalogue webhooks
Explore new webhooks for options and modifiers along with more detailed responses that include affected product IDs. These webhooks and the existing store/product/updated hook now include channel and locale context. View docs
Customer account actions, orders, and product reviews
You can now power the core shopper journey with our GraphQL Storefront API. Customer login, password updates, address management, orders, and reviews are all accessible; these can be seen in action inside Catalyst.
Customers | Product Reviews | Orders
Customise checkout with extensions
With checkout extensions, now in beta, developers can programmatically add new functionality to the shipping and order summary sections of checkout, with more regions to be added in the future. Get access
Page Widgets API
Test, preview, and backup content using the Page Widgets API. Get a snapshot of a page’s widget content, including layouts, dropzones, and widgets that belong to each region.
Programmatically manage PayPal Complete Payments instruments
Vaulted credit card, debit card, and PayPal account data can now be managed via the Stored Payment Instruments API for transactions that occur through PayPal Complete Payments. View docs
Set timing of tax document submission via API
Use our settings API to configure if tax documents are submitted after the order creation or payment capture. View docs
Jarod Pulo
Webmaster, Bulk Nutrients
“BigCommerce’s APIs power our headless site. This gives us the benefit of leveraging the platform and BigCommerce’s APIs to deliver the best front-end customer experience. All of our Rest APIs and GraphQL functions power the front-end, or they power our Sanity back-end."
Jarod Pulo
Webmaster, Bulk Nutrients